Andrea Rexilius

Andrea Rexilius is the author of Sister Urn (Sidebrow, 2019), New Organism: Essais (Letter Machine, 2014), Half of What They Carried Flew Away (Letter Machine, 2012), and To Be Human Is

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Greg Brick

GREG BRICK is a Professor of Geology at Normandale College in Bloomington, Minnesota. He has an advanced degree in Geology from the University of Connecticut, and worked for years as

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James Bastian

James Bastian

Jim Bastian and his wife Carol were born, raised, met, and married in Wisconsin. Jim received a Bachelor’s Degree from Michigan State University. Upon graduation, he taught high school history

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Susan Zwinger

Susan Zwinger graduated with honors from Cornell College in 1969 in Art and English, completed her Masters at the Writer’ Workshop at the University of Iowa in 1971, and her

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Deborah J. Clark

Deborah J. Clark

Deborah Clark, the author of Wildflowers of Utah’s Colorado Plateau, spent twenty years in the Capitol Reef and Bears Ears areas searching for and identifying native plants. For much of

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Patricia Hansen

Patricia Hansen, the artist, lives in Sonoma County, California where she continues her pen and ink artwork in addition to learning new painting techniques. She has a degree in biology

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Thomas Clark

Thomas Clark, the photographer, worked as the Chief of Cultural and Natural Resources at Capitol Reef for thirteen years before moving on to Canyon de Chelly National Monument, where he

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Kathryn Gabriel

A native of New Mexico, Kathryn Gabriel Loving has published seven books. These include (under Kathryn Gabriel): Roads to Center Place: A Cultural Atlas to Chaco Canyon and the Anasazi

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Hiram Rogers

Hiram Rogers is the author of the bestselling Exploring the Black Hills and Badlands, as well as the books 50 Hikes in Kentucky and Backroad Bicycling in the Blue Ridge

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Kent Nelson

Kent Nelson has published four novels, six collections of short stories, and 156 stories in magazines. He has won the Colorado Book Award, the Reading the West Book Award, and the

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