About Us

Bower House brings together books and authors that celebrate, inform, and protect nature, culture, and life. Our books cover a wide spectrum of topics, from cooking, gardening, and trail guides to environmental protection, regional history, memoir, poetry, and literary and speculative fiction. We are passionate about protecting the environment, telling great stories, and living the good life through fantastic food, inspiring literature, broad travel, and the outdoors. Founded in 2002, Bower House is a Mountain West publisher based in Denver, Colorado, producing books for the world.
Our Imprints
Conundrum Press, founded in 1998 by David J. Rothman, has rapidly expanded to become the preeminent publisher of fiction, creative non-fiction, and poetry in the Rocky Mountain region. Now under the Bower House banner, Conundrum Press will continue to champion excellent fiction, creative non-fiction, and poetry primarily—but not exclusively—exploring the particular voices and themes of the Rocky Mountain region.
Johnson Books was established in 1978 and for 40 years has been exploring and celebrating both the facts and fantasies of the West. As one of Colorado’s premier book publishers Johnson Books has grown with the West, and so has been able to keep a pulse on its important issues–both historical and contemporary. Johnson Books are regional in nature, focused on the mountain and desert West, and include environmental subjects, history, geology, archaeology, and general nonfiction.
Trails Books has roots going back to the founding of the quarterly journal Wisconsin Tales and Trails in 1960. Wisconsin Trails published it’s first book in 1971. Expanding throughout the midwest over the following decades, Trails Books grew to become one of the leading publishers of regional guidebooks. We have continued expanding, and with the acquisition of Westcliffe Publishers and 3D Press, now have offerings from most regions of the country.
Submission Guidelines
Established in 2002, Bower House is an independent trade book publisher located in Denver, Colorado. We publish books about the West, Native America, History, Travel, the Outdoors, Fiction, Cooking, and Gardening.
Bower House is currently not accepting submissions.